15 Mar 2024
Offering Part-time and Full-time positions in the new Decathlon store opening on O’Connell St.
At Decathlon, our mission is to make sport accessible to as many people as we can. We would like to help, inspire and guide you through your sports experiences. We believe that being active and discovering new sports every day is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Let's do some sports together, as together is always more fun!
At the Student Job Summit, we will be recruiting for part-time and full time positions in our brand new Decathlon store opening on O’Connell St.
We promote building your own career path by linking in external studies to support our teammates' own career journey. We offer a wide range of job opportunities across various departments and the diverse career paths available that may resonate with the students across various discipline.
Whilst at the Student Job Summit, we want to engage with student by discussing job and career paths with Decathlon and offering interviews on the day for available roles.
Register for a FREE ticket: https://www.studentjobsummit.ie/studentregistration
Learn more about Decathlon Ireland: https://www.decathlon.ie/